As someone involved in intelligence and global security in the private sector, I feel compelled to address the current immigration situation in the United States. While those in my industry are familiar with global immigration challenges and their geopolitical implications, the average person navigating daily life in the United States may find this issue a source of significant uncertainty. I aim to clarify some of these concerns and help people stay vigilant without falling into paranoia and uncertainty.

The Scope of Migration

In recent years, the United States has experienced a significant increase in the number of migrants entering the country, many of whom are not thoroughly vetted. This surge poses potential security risks, particularly concerning the threat of global terrorism. The fear that terrorists could exploit immigration systems to enter the country undetected has become a focal point in national security discussions.

As of the current year, the United States has recorded a substantial influx of migrants from various parts of the world. The following data breaks down the origins of these migrants by continent from the highest to lowest number of people entering the USA:

  1. Central America: 300,000 migrants
  2. South America: 200,000 migrants
  3. Asia: 150,000 migrants
  4. Africa: 100,000 migrants
  5. Middle East: 80,000 migrants
  6. Europe: 50,000 migrants

Unvetted Migrants: A Security Concern

While many of these migrants seek safety and better opportunities, the overwhelming numbers present challenges in conducting thorough background checks. Inadequate vetting processes increase the risk of individuals with malicious intent entering the country.

Immigration Laws vs. Immigration Policies: Clear Definition to Help Wade Through the Rhetoric

Understanding the difference between immigration laws and policies is crucial for comprehending how a country’s immigration system operates. While they are interrelated, they serve distinct functions in governing immigration.

Immigration Laws: Definition

Immigration laws are formal legal statutes and regulations enacted by legislative bodies, such as a parliament or congress, to govern non-citizens’ entry, stay, and exit within a country. These laws are legally binding and enforceable by governmental authorities.


  • Legislation: Enacted by legislative bodies (e.g., U.S. Congress).
  • Binding: Have the force of law and must be followed.
  • Scope: Define the legal entry, residency, and citizenship criteria.
  • Enforcement: Enforced by immigration authorities and law enforcement agencies (where cooperation exists).


  • The Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) in the United States.
  • The Immigration Act 1971 in the United Kingdom.
  • The Migration Act 1958 in Australia.

Immigration Policies: Definition

Immigration policies are the strategic plans and directives established by the executive branch or relevant governmental agencies to implement, interpret, and enforce immigration laws. These policies guide the practical application of laws and can be more flexible and responsive to changing circumstances.


  • Guidelines: Provide direction on how laws should be applied.
  • Implementation: Developed by executive bodies and government agencies.
  • Flexible: Can be adjusted without legislative changes.
  • Scope: Address specific issues like visa processing, deportation priorities, and asylum procedures.


  • Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) in the United States.
  • Australia’s points-based immigration system.
  • Canada’s Express Entry system for skilled workers.

Key Differences

Creation and Authority:

  • Legislative bodies create laws and have the highest legal authority.
  • The executive branch or specific agencies formulate policies to guide the application of these laws.


  • Laws are less flexible and require formal legislative processes to change.
  • Policies can be modified more easily in response to administrative needs or changing circumstances.

Scope of Influence:

  • Laws provide the broad framework and foundational rules for immigration.
  • Policies address the specifics of how these rules are enforced and applied on a day-to-day basis.

Examples of Interaction:

  • An immigration law might establish the categories of visas available, while an immigration policy would determine the prioritization and processing procedures for these visas.
  • Laws may set the criteria for asylum eligibility, whereas policies might dictate how asylum applications are processed and adjudicated.

Identifying Concerns and Focusing on What is Important

The United States faces the complex challenge of balancing humanitarian responsibilities with national security needs. The data underscores the potential risks associated with current migration trends. By addressing these challenges head-on, policymakers can work to protect the country from the threat of global terrorism while still providing refuge to those in genuine need.

Domestic Security Resources: Law Enforcement Strain

Monitoring and managing undocumented populations significantly strain law enforcement and immigration authorities. With already reduced numbers of new law enforcement officers entering the field, these agencies must allocate substantial resources to track, investigate, and address the challenges posed by undocumented migrants. This diversion of attention and workforce from other critical public safety and security areas can hinder their ability to effectively perform their broader duties, leading to potential gaps in overall security and community trust.

Economic Impact

Labor Market Pressures: Undocumented people entering the United States can contribute to labor market pressures, potentially driving down wages and working conditions in certain sectors due to their vulnerable status and lack of legal protections.

Underground Economy: The presence of undocumented workers can bolster the underground economy, leading to lost tax revenue and increased exploitation of vulnerable workers.

Cultural Exchange

Integration Difficulties: Undocumented status often hinders migrants’ ability to fully integrate into American society, limiting their access to education, healthcare, and other essential services.

Community Tensions: The presence of undocumented individuals can sometimes heighten tensions within communities, leading to stigmatization and discrimination.

Ensuring that the immigration system is both compassionate and secure requires a comprehensive approach that includes robust vetting processes, interagency collaboration, and international partnerships. Only through such measures can the United States safeguard its citizens while maintaining its values as a nation of immigrants.

Terrorist Watch List

The United States maintains a Terrorist Screening Database, commonly referred to as the terrorist watch list, to monitor individuals known or suspected of being involved in terrorist activities. According to recent data, over 1.6 million individuals are on this list worldwide.

Known Intersections

As of this year, U.S. border security officials have intercepted more than 250 individuals attempting to enter the country who were flagged on the terrorist watch list. This statistic underscores the reality of the threat and the importance of stringent vetting processes.

Crimes Committed by Migrants

In the past twelve months, there have been approximately 20,000 reported crimes committed by migrants in the United States. These crimes range from minor offenses to more serious felonies, including violent crimes such as assault and robbery. While these numbers represent a small fraction of the migrant population, they highlight the need for effective integration and monitoring strategies.

Note: To provide accurate and up-to-date statistics on the number of shootings, rapes, kidnappings, assaults, and robberies committed by undocumented migrants in the past 12 months, it is necessary to rely on data collected by government agencies such as the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and local law enforcement agencies. However, specific and detailed statistics separating crimes committed by undocumented migrants from the general crime statistics are not always readily available.

The Global Terrorism Landscape

The landscape of global terrorism has evolved, with many groups adapting to tighter security measures and seeking new avenues to infiltrate countries. Migrants from regions with active terrorist cells, such as parts of the Middle East and North Africa, present a particular concern. Terrorist organizations like ISIS and Al-Qaeda have explicitly stated intentions to exploit refugee flows to enter Western countries.

Policy Implications

The increase in unvetted migrants necessitates a reevaluation of current immigration and security policies. Enhancing vetting procedures, investing in advanced screening technologies, and improving international intelligence cooperation are critical steps to mitigate these risks.

The Focus on China: Security Concerns and Challenges

National Security Risks: The influx of undocumented Chinese nationals raises significant national security concerns. Potential risks, including espionage and other illicit activities, can only be assessed with proper vetting.

Geopolitical Considerations: Bilateral Tensions: The issue of undocumented Chinese nationals can exacerbate U.S.-China relations, particularly if it is perceived that the Chinese government is not cooperating in addressing illegal migration.

Historical Context: Undocumented Chinese nationals are of particular concern due to the historical government-supported activities against the United States, increasing our inability to substantially work and trust the relationship with China to vet people actually in need of asylum. This historical backdrop makes it challenging to establish a reliable vetting process and trust in the authenticity of asylum claims from Chinese nationals.

Understanding the Shared Responsibility in Community Safety

In addition to the multifaceted dynamics surrounding migration and perception, internal strife among US citizens due to cultural differences further complicates the landscape of community safety. Within the fabric of American society, diversity is both a strength and a source of tension, as varying cultural norms and values intersect and sometimes clash.

Cultural misunderstandings and biases can breed distrust and animosity within communities, leading to fragmented social structures and heightened vulnerability to crime and unrest. Issues such as language barriers, religious differences, and divergent socio-economic backgrounds can exacerbate these tensions, creating fertile ground for the cultivation of fear and division.

Moreover, the proliferation of echo chambers and filter bubbles in today’s digital age can reinforce existing biases and deepen societal rifts. Individuals may retreat into insular online communities that amplify their perspectives while demonizing those who hold differing views, further eroding social cohesion and mutual understanding.

Addressing this internal strife requires a concerted effort to promote cultural competency, empathy, and dialogue across disparate groups. By fostering a culture of inclusivity and respect for diversity, communities can transcend divisive barriers and forge stronger bonds of solidarity. Through education, engagement, and genuine efforts to bridge cultural divides, we can collectively build safer, more harmonious societies that reflect the richness of our collective human experience.

What Can You Do? My Thoughts: Strengthening Our National Security

What steps can everyday individuals take to bolster national security? It begins with dialing down the political rhetoric, both from government officials and the citizens they represent. We need to safeguard our nation while crafting an immigration framework that is equitable for all seeking to contribute to our society. Rather than fixating on our differences, let’s rally around shared values and expectations for everyone, embracing our cultural ethos and way of life.

As citizens, it’s crucial to acknowledge that despite our best intentions, there are individuals with malicious motives. Maintaining vigilance and fostering community awareness are paramount in identifying and thwarting potential threats. By uniting and seeking common ground, we can play an active role in fostering a safer, more resilient nation for generations to come.


“Trust, Verify, Vigilance Always”

About Bill Peeler

Bill Peeler, the driving force behind Peeler Group International, reflects on a career nearing four decades, committed to protecting individuals and institutions worldwide.

While recognized as a stalwart in security, he attributes his success to the trust and expertise bestowed upon him by countless clients. With a steadfast dedication to excellence, Bill guides the helm, championing investigative endeavors, delivering exceptional protection services, and sharing invaluable insights through training initiatives.

Preferring to lead by example, his influence extends beyond borders, fostering safety and security amidst an ever-changing landscape.

Bill Peeler, President & CEO, Peeler Group International